- Co-counsel, “of-counsel” and contract attorney services
- Techniques to compete with larger, more conventional law firms: if the buck stops with you, what is your “value proposition” to savvy clients?
- The pros and cons of the independent contractor model
- Other current practice models being developed
- Developing related mediation and expert witness practices
- Navigating the challenging “lifestyle” issues in alternative models
Please attend this event! Clink here to download the flyer: Download 4/21 CLE Flyer. Please contact Erin Giglia at [email protected] if you have any questions or would like any additional information.
For more information on using freelance/contract attorneys, see our December 10th blog entry Ten Benefits of Freelance Attorneys, which highlighted the following ways that using freelance attorneys can add value to a law firm:
1. Save Your Firm Money
2. Increase Your Profit in A Down Economy
3. Save Your Client Money
4. Add Skills To Your Firm
5. Lower Your Hiring Risk
6. Increase Efficiency
7. Grow Your Business
8. Effectively Manage Legal Projects
9. Maternity Leave Does Not Spell Disaster
10. Avoid Associate Burnout
Erin Giglia is an active speaker, recently speaking at Whittier Law School on Career Tips for New Lawyers – How to Create Your Ideal Life and Career, and at the Ms. JD Conference on Women in Law – Stand Up! Stand Out! Contact Erin Giglia at [email protected] if you would like her to speak on a panel or at an event.