Montage Legal Group was featured in the University of San Diego newsletter, The Docket. The newsletter notes that Montage has six USD Law graduates (Samatha Everett ’04, Katie Hughes LLM ’03, Tami Vail ’04, Erin Giglia ’01, and Laurie Rowen ‘04) and highlights that Montage has recently joined the law firm challenge. While Montage is not technically a law firm, we appreciate USD Law allowing our network of freelance attorneys to participate in the law firm challenge.
USD School of Law’s office of development and alumni relations is pleased to announce that Montage Legal Group is our newest participant in the Law Firm Challenge. Erin Giglia, ’01, and Laurie Rowen, ’04, co-founded Montage Legal Group—a network of freelance attorneys comprised of former large firm associates who handle legal projects for law firms and small businesses. Erin will be leading the Law Firm Challenge outreach efforts to the six alumnae at Montage.