- Laurie Rowen and Erin Giglia, updated article on the ethics of freelance lawyering, Montage – Ethics of Freelance Lawyering Article 2024
- Laurie Rowen and Erin Giglia, Law Firm Growth During an Uncertain Legal Climate – Part 2: How to Ethically Use Freelance Lawyers & Referral Fees, California Lawyers Association, The Practitioner (Fall 2020, Volume 26, Issue 4)
- Erin Giglia and Laurie Rowen, “Law Firm Growth During an Uncertain Legal Climate – Part 1: Of Counsel Relationships,” California Lawyers Association, The Practitioner (Summer 2020, Volume 26, Issue 3)
- Erin Giglia and Laurie Rowen, “Overwhelmed? Five Strategies Lawyers Can Implement Today to Reduce Stress and Find More Hours in the Day” Orange County Lawyer Magazine (May, 2020)
- Laurie Rowen and Erin Giglia, “Of Counsel, Freelance and Other Lawyer Relationships,” AWI Journal (April, 2018 Issue)
- Erin Giglia, Laurie Rowen & Shannon Forcheimer, New Bill Clears Path for Freelance Attorney Independent Contractor Status, Law.com/The Recorder (
- Laurie Rowen and Erin Giglia, “Stay Ethical While Growing Your Firm,” ABA’s Law Practice Today (July 14, 2017)
- Kate Mangan, Erin Giglia and Laurie Rowen, “Why Lawyers Leave Law Firms and What Firms Can Do About It,” American Bar Association’s online journal, Law Practice Today (April, 2016)
- Erin Giglia and Laurie Rowen, “Survey Results: Why are Women Really Leaving Firms?” Orange County Lawyer (March, 2016)
- Heather Condon, “A Look at the Newly Revised Standards for Attorney Sanctions for Professional Misconduct,” Orange County Lawyer (August, 2015)
- Laurie Rowen and Erin Giglia, “Three Legal Mistakes Small Businesses Make,” Hera Herald Magazine (June, 2015)
- Heather Condon, “What is ‘Good Moral Character’?”, Orange County Lawyer (May, 2014)
- Erin Giglia and Laurie Rowen, “Ethics of Contract Lawyering” (Part 1 and Part 2), Law.com-The Recorder (April, 2013)
- Isabelle Smith and Todd Smith, “It Was My Understanding There Would Be No Patent Law!” OC Lawyer Magazine (May, 2013)
- Sara Mostafa-Ray, “The Rodeo: Savagery Cloaked in Custom,” Riversider Lawyer Magazine (February, 2013)
- Erin Stagg, “Junior Associates and Jury Trials,” Riverside Lawyer Magazine (January, 2013)
- Ceyda Maisami, “Jury Trials in Patent Lawsuits,” Riverside Lawyer Magazine (January, 2013)
- Sara Mostafa-Ray, “The Cantor-Adams Bill: On Gutting VAWA,” Riversider Lawyer Magazine (September, 2012)
- Isabelle Smith (and Todd Smith), “Friends with Benefits,” OC Lawyer (May, 2012)
- Tracy Miller (and Rosanne Faul), “10 DUI Myths – Not An April Fool,” Riverside Lawyer Magazine (April 2012)
- Erin Giglia and Laurie Rowen, “Outsourcing to Temporary Lawyers,” OC Lawyer Magazine (December, 2011)
- Laurie Rowen, “Law Firms Give Back by Supporting WHW,” Riverside Lawyer Magazine (November, 2011)
- Amy Guldner, “Missing in Action: A Veterans’ Court for Riverside County,” Riverside Lawyer Magazine (October, 2011)
- Amy Guldner, “Freelance Attorneys: Building Your Practice And Profits And Improving Client Service,” Riverside Lawyer Magazine (September, 2011)
- Samantha Everett, “Small, Medium, and Large Firms Offering Flextime,” featured by the Lawyers Club of San Diego