by Laurie Rowen and Erin Giglia
Montage Legal Group’s Shannon Forchheimer is in the press today on Ms. JD. Author of the popular legal blog, But I do Have a Law Degree, Shannon frequently speaks about her transition from Big Law to stay-at-home mom to freelance lawyer. You may have read interviews or stories about Shannon on What’s for Work?, The Washington Post, Montage Legal Group’s blog, or heard her speak about unhappiness in the legal profession on Huffington Post Live.
This month, Dan Lear interviews Shannon for the Ms. JD blog as part of his “Dispatch from the Y-Chromosome” series. Dan Lear asks Shannon questions about her time at Skadden Arps, connections with similarly situated women, advice for new lawyers, and Shannon’s plans for the future. To learn why Shannon advises all women to “be an advocate for yourself,” read the full interview on the Ms. JD website: Dispatches from the Y Chromosome – Dispatch #6: “Be an Advocate for Yourself” – Shannon Forchheimer.
Shannon Forchheimer graduated from the University of Pennsylvania Law School in 2005, where she served as a Senior Editor of the Journal of Constitutional Law. Upon graduation, Shannon joined the New York office of Skadden Arps as an associate in the Litigation Department, where she represented clients in complex commercial litigations and government investigations involving RICO, federal securities laws, ERISA, and breach of contract. In 2007, Shannon relocated to Washington, DC, and joined the law firm of Dickstein Shapiro, where she continued to focus her practice on complex litigation, and represented government contractors suing the Government for breach of contract and CERCLA violations.
After the birth of her second son, Shannon left law firm life. While at home full-time with her young sons, Forchheimer started a popular blog, “But I Do Have A Law Degree,” which was voted one of the “Top 5 Lawyer Mom Blogs” by FindLaw’s Legal Blog, Greedy Associates. Shannon has been featured in numerous on-line publications, including What’s for Work?, The Washington Post, Montage Legal Group’s blog, and Huffington Post Live.
Shannon founded Montage Legal Group’s East Coast division with Chelsea Beser in 2012. Shannon lives in Bethesda, Maryland with her husband, three young sons, and a very hyper dog, Couscous.
Contact Shannon at [email protected]. Follow Shannon on Facebook (But I Do Have a Law Degree) and Twitter (@dohavelawdegree).