You did well in high school, so you got into a good college. You did well in college, so you got into a good law school. You did well in law school, so you got a job as a lawyer at a great firm. Now what? You look at the partners in your firm, and you see how much they work and realize you might not want that. You see your friend who chose a career as a photographer, and wonder if you should have done something more artistic. You have kids, and wonder if you might love being a stay-at-home mom. You are…UNDECIDED!
Barbara Kelley and Shannon Kelley: We thought you’d never ask! You can find the book on Amazon and other online outlets. Meanwhile, it should be hitting the bookshelves this week. You can also ask your local indie booksellers to order it for you. You can keep up with book signing, etc, on our facebook page, and join the conversation on our blog. Oh, and follow us on twitter. Was that too obnoxious?!