MetaMOMphorsis recently posted an article about Montage Legal Group titled “Unbalanced to Balanced by Creating Your Own Opportunities – How Two Attorneys Helped Themselves and Others.” The article states, “what impressed me the most about this venture is that as they grew the business, the two staffed their business primarily with mothers just like themselves.” Below is a great paragraph from the article explaining the continuing need for a more practical work arrangement for female attorneys:
For non-attorneys, this may not seem like a huge deal. But as an attorney and friend and colleague of many other mom attorneys, I can tell you that many of us wish for opportunities such as this. A large proportion of women attorneys who leave the profession (whether temporarily or permanently) do not seek to become solely at-home moms. Many still have a strong desire to practice their profession, but no practical way to do so, given the demands of the billable hours attorneys face or the huge responsibilities associated with hanging their own shingle. Those who seek contract work too often find that the type of work offered is of the type more suitable to an attorney fresh out of school, such as document review for legal cases. For seasoned women attorneys, this is not a practical use of their time or skills. It is unfortunate that the legal profession ends up losing so many talented women who are willing and able to continue practicing, but have a need for a more practical work arrangement.
MetaMOMphorsis is a thoughful blog that explores issues, concerns, and dilemmas that both working and stay-at-home mothers face, so check it out here: We haven’t had the chance to meet the creator of MetaMOMphorsis, but we appreciate the post about Montage Legal!